Institute of Communicology
Institute of Communicology was founded in 2021. Due to change processes, from a scandinavian frame to a world wide context, functional transformations has been necessary to fit into the bigger frame.
The Institute of Communicology is a non-profit foundation and serves as an organization for Communicologists around the world whose work is conducted with the same intention.
The Scandinavian Institute of Communicology (Skandinavisk Institutt for Kommunikologi in Norwegian) was founded in 1981 by Jorunn Sjøbakken and Truls Fleiner.
The intention of the institute is establishment, stabilization and continuation of the Meta-Discipline Communicology.
Operational frames
- Systematization and classification of knowledge
- Education in Communicology and Postgraduate training
- Quality assurance of educational programs in Communicology
- Offer quality assurance of teaching communicological subjects
- Collaboration on activities and initiatives that contribute to the continuation of Communicology
Roles and Assignments
Within the institute there are various assignments such as Management Board and Coordination team members, Educators, Project teams and Quality Department.
Management board and Coordination team:
- Christina Skoglund
- Lena Karlsson
- Marita Skogum
- Rickard Karlsson
- Steinar Kroksæter
- Jorunn Sjøbakken and Truls Fleiner
- Marita Skogum and Lena Karlsson
- Christina Skoglund and Shirin Hornecker
- Bea Ahlperby and Ewa Jonason
Quality Department:
- Christina Skoglund
- Jorunn Sjøbakken
- Truls Fleiner
- Marita Skogum
- Lena karlsson
Convention 2025
Save the date!
31 January-2 February

The process of establishing new knowledge:
- Knowledge development
- Knowledge management
- Knowledge continuation
Brief historical overview